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It's difficult to tell you exactly because each individual has different consumption habits, but basically, the one-way fare for public transportation in Seoul is between 1,400 won and 1,750 won, and the cost of a single meal is about 10,000 won.
There are also affordable places to stay such as Gosiwon (mini-studio), as well as single residences and homestays.
The exact ACTIVITY schedule will be provided during the orientation session on the first day of school. For ACTIVITY, some adjustments may be made depending on the season and local situation. ACTIVITY is one of the strengths of the edm Korean Global Campus. There are many interesting and informative programs.
General Korean is taught 15 hours a week and Intensive Korean is taught 19 hours a week. The content of the morning classes of General Korean and Intensive Korean are the same. However, Intensive Korean has additional afternoon classes (additional 4-hour private lessons twice a week), in which you will review what you learned in the morning and complete various activities based on that.
Yes, of course. Even if you don't have any experience learning Korean, you can take our classes. Our academy has a curriculum which covers content from the basics of Korean to skills courses, and offers various classes such as K-Drama, K-Pop, and 1:1 classes. All of edm's teachers will actively help you, so don't be afraid and challenge yourself even if it's your first time learning Korean.
4th floor, 16 Gangnam-daero 84-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Tel. +82-2-6956-0909 | Email. info@edmkorean.com | Business Contact. partner@edmkorean.com
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